Posts Tagged ‘Dead Proxies


Check, check, re-check

At this moment, the second run of the Automatic Dead Proxy Eliminator (ADPE) is about half-way done.

ADPE is currently scheduled to run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and its purpose is to glean dead proxies out of The List.

There were 13 pages – 630+ proxies – before it started. Now it’s down to 9 pages and 420-odd proxies. Proof positive, if you ever wondered about it in the first place, that they go fast!

Earlier, I speculated that the Bahrainian Proxy Problem might be taken care of on this run, but so far those boxes are still checking out to be up and running. I’m still curious as to what, exactly, they are, since port scans seem to imply they’re devices rather than computers.
